Articles écrits par l’auteur dans Constructif
Royaume-Uni : des jeunes moins enclins à un départ précoce - N°20 - Juin 2008
Autres publications de l’auteur
The Japanese Hikikomori phenomenon: Acute Social Withdrawal among Young People' - The Sociological Review, 56 (2) - 2008
Young People and Social Change: New Perspectives - Open University Press, Buckingham - 2007
Not a Very NEET Solution: Representing Problematic Labour Market Transitions Among Early School-Leavers - Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 20, (3) - 2006
Graduates from Disadvantaged Families: Early Labour Market Experiences - Policy Press - 2005
Youth Transitions: Patterns of Vulnerability and Processes of Social Inclusion - Central Research Unit, Scottish Executive - 2003